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Do you have the right building blocks in place for your business?

Let’s imagine you are building a house 🏠 , you don’t start with the decorating and colors of your furniture, do you ❓ Most people would say no. 

I have acrylic nails, 💅 and I get them filled every 3 weeks. This is my one thing that I love to do because of the nail art. 

I have learned over the last 5 years of having this done, that it is important to have the prep work done when putting something like this on your nails.

 The nail techs don’t start with the color of polish or nail art.

They start with the prep of the nail bed, getting it ready for the acrylic. Then they put on the acrylic and build the nail.

Then they file and shape the nail. Then they paint and do the art.

It is all a process. Without it being done in the right order with the prep work done first (the building of the final product), the nails would not stay on my fingers. 

They would peel, crack, and pop off. This hurts when it happens, no fun. 😫

Building routines into your daily life is the same thing. You have to establish good habits to make those routines. 

To build up those habits and routines,  you have to start one day at a time, one routine at a time, one habit at a time. 

Slowly building and practicing each day with these until they become habits, something you don’t think about doing, you just do it. 

This is something that as a virtual assistant I can help you with.

 I love helping people take their big ideas, big projects in their business and personal life, and break them down into bite size tasks to help build habits and routines. 

This is the only way we can succeed in business and our personal life. 

Just ask any business expert. They will tell you that routines are the key to a good business. Schedules and planning are key as well. 

I offer a free 30 min discovery call on my VA website to see how I can best help you in your business. You can book it now on my website: 


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